News (kinda)


Hello guys,

I don’t really have any specific news, but I thought people might get anxious if I don’t post anything…

Anyways, the status currently is that we’re working on this, things are running great. If we only had more time for this.

You see pratically everyone on the team is a student at the university and  right now, exam time is approaching.
Currently we all have less time than we would like to have for this.

So please understand, if this is not going as fast as you had hoped for.

After all, if we fail our exams, there might be no translation at all.

So please be patient.

– Romsstar

19 Responses to “News (kinda)”

  1. Jonn Says:

    I am patient.


  2. Saldash Says:

    I am a mental patient, does that count?
    ^-^ anyhow good luck on those pesky exams,


  3. Sporky McForkinspoon Says:

    Thank you all for your support. We all really appreciate it.


  4. Brian Says:

    Take all the time you need. There are things more important than the work being done on this project. RL before anything else ;)
    Good luck with your exams, and thanks for this little update


  5. Biloal Says:

    Hi buddyyyyyyys you’re trying to make many people have a lot of fun so you need to be rewarded for this not blamed, thanks again and good luck for exams.


  6. Juho Says:

    Study, then comes the fun. Good luck


  7. Mark Says:

    great work so far good luck with exams XD


  8. Leon Says:

    Dont worry romsstar and team.We will anxiously and with patiense wait for you.Romsstar random question, when you finish with this project are gonna continiu with digimon adventures?


  9. Leon Says:

    Stay strong sporky.Keep up and translate great games for the world


  10. Keizal Says:

    Two or three month again, is what for our?


  11. Arioch Says:

    Keep working! You are doing a great job :) A lot of people appreciate this patch.


  12. Mizu Says:

    Keep up the good work, and good luck studying for exams :)


  13. Alhatric Says:

    studying comes first
    gaming can come later at anytime
    good luck on ur education guys
    u r always r awesome


  14. Metall Says:

    hi guys, first of all, good luck with exams.

    it’s an impressive work that you’ve done here, it must be a pain to translate every bit of dialogue in this kind of game. although I’m not a japanese speaker, I can manage to translate japanese. If you need help editing, let me know.

    PS: you’re doing what Namco Bandai couldn’t, and without receiving any kind of pay from it. It’s simply amazing.

    On a side note, you cannot comercialize the patch but you can receive donations for your work when you release it (many other game companies allow this).
    I know that many would like to appreciate your work just like myself. Just a thought.


  15. franz Says:

    you can do it guys!! Godbless..:)


  16. Hombre Says:

    I understand your feelings completely, still have to write a three page seminar about shit I don’t know anything about before I can even take the bloody exam.


  17. Ken Says:

    Good luck in everything. Thanks for the update :)


  18. Michizcool Says:

    To be honest, while most of the team are University students, most of the people waiting for this probably are as well !

    So even if you did release tomorrow most of us wouldn’t get to sit down and enjoy it to the full extent. So from my perspective, take as long as you like, because some of us can’t really play games till mid-may.

    Keep up the good work anyways !


  19. JC Says:

    Good luck on your exams.. study hard!! =)


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