Archive for June, 2015

1.1 Patch Release

June 26, 2015

We do apologize to our PSP users, the batch of bugs that caused problems crept in very late in the process.  Fortunately, they were relatively easy to fix.

We recommend that everyone update to the 1.1 version.  You can do so by either pressing the “Check for Updates” Button in the Patcher, or simply Download the provided Link here.
Both variants work, but since the Update Patch Data are on a Server with limited traffic I urge you not to exploit it.

In addition to the bug fixes, we have corrected some typos that users were helpful enough to point out to us.  To do that, you’ll need to work from a clean ISO, you can’t update an ISO with the 1.0 patch applied.  You can either download the patcher from the links below, or use the update function in the patcher you already have.

Thanks for being patient with us, and sorry for any inconvenience.

DWRD Patch 1.1 (Direct Download)

Additionally, in keeping with the way the game was released in Japan, we have decided to release a few of the new passwords every week in our updates.  We’re putting out the first batch today:

Tamer Starter Kit:

Giant Claw (Greymon Digivolution Item): i73pqhqy
Dreadful Horn (GeoGreymon Digiviolution Item): 1v7ixp5s
Meat × 10: wgy3so2s
Portable Potty × 10: rk633pd0
Autopilot × 10: 2heqtq3p
Restore Floppy × 5: y406r33p
Offense Chip × 3: jaotcnpf
Storage Card α (Sashenka): 0fpwatdq
Colosseum Fight (Pirate B-Wargreymon) : hy1gn9ne
Colosseum Fight (Luckyman) : i94fo2bn

Additionally, as our regular commenters have likely heard before, we have worked on adding some additional features to the game.  The timeline for that is still relatively vague, but given the recent influx of readers, I thought it’s worth mentioning.

Lastly, Romsstar mentioned a few posts back that he and another programmer have been working for some time on a tool to reverse engineer the original Digimon World for the PS1.  Some time soon, he plans on explaining the progress they have made so far, and what his plans for it are.

Don’t use the Pirate B-Wargreymon password unless you are strong enough to actually defeat it. The Colosseum will only be unlocked again after you defeated it.
We hope this Passwords will provide some help to Beginner Tamers that want to get that Greymon, or just need more Offense to defeat that “tenacious” Gabumon :D

It’s Here!

June 22, 2015

We have arrived!

Yes you are reading right. After almost 3 years of work, thousands of hours, tears, panic attacks, and all the hardships we had to face, it’s here.

This is the Digimon World Re:Digitize Translation Patch! After testing over a period of about two weeks, in which all of us got little sleep, we are confident enough to release our baby to the world. Every one of us played through the game, and I 100%’d my third run today.  All I can say is: It’s fun! The game is fun!

We are all extremely proud of our work.  In playing through the game, there were times when it was hard to remember that this was written by us, that we are the authors of those very same English phrases that you guys are about to read. Incidentally, I’m very happy to release it on this particular day since, as it happens, today is also my Birthday! While we could probably polish it even more, I feel it’s time for you guys to enjoy it.  We hope there won’t be any typos or other issues, but on the assumption that there will be, we have added functionality to the patcher program to release updates if need be.  As the server may have issues if everyone presses that at once, I would ask that you not press it if you are downloading the patch on the day it was released.  All of the 1.0 patches are included with the program, so it’s unnecessary anyway.

There’s really not much left to say.  If you want to know how it started, and what it took to get where we are now, I advise you to read the “Legend of Operation Decoded” post, it’s all there. I don’t want to bore you with more stories, but I assure you this won’t be the last time you hear from of us ;)

Please keep in mind that we are distributing this under the Creative Common License, as a derivative work we own solely the rights to the translation, neither the game nor any other Brand associated with it.

The patcher and patches can be downloaded here:

DWRD Patch 1.1 (Direct Download)

And tutorials for installing Homebrew Enabler and creating an ISO from your UMD are available here:

As mentioned before, this patch won’t include a subbed version of the opening video, due to legal and technical reasons.  This may change in a future update, but that is difficult to confirm as of yet. However, for those of you who want to know what’s going on in the video, you are free to check out this subbed video we posted on Youtube a while ago: