Archive for October, 2014

Update, October 18th, 2014

October 18, 2014

Hello everyone!  I’m Sporky McForkinspoon, the project’s editor/translation checker.  It’s been a while, so I thought you all deserved an update on our progress.  Things are going pretty well, and I think we’re on track to finish by the end of the year.

Here’s where we stand now:

The second round of story editing is basically done.

Translation: 100%

First Edit: 100%

Second Edit: 99%

Translation: 100%

First Edit:  35%

Second Edit: 35%


100%, still no bugs discovered.

We’re at a fairly exciting point.  Now that the story edit is done, we are inserting the translated text into the game.  There are 294 .pack files in the ISO which contain all the text in the game, both the story and the NPCs, and they vary in size from a single line of text to several thousand words.  On average, they take a couple hours each to insert, make any last wording changes we like, and make sure that all of the text fits in the box.  To speed things up, I have started inserting text into the .pack files as I edit them the NPC text.  Right now, we have 18 of them completely finished and ready for release.  That means we’re about 6% done with that process, which is the most important number to watch right now.  When we finish inserting the text, all that will be left is testing and checking for any spelling or grammar errors that we didn’t spot before.

As always, thanks a lot for your support.